$4,950 USD
8 days and 7 nights
28 Nov to 5 Dec 2025
SJO, Costa Rica
Suitable for all photographic levels
Available locations 10/10
SJO, Costa Rica
Costa Rica is one of the richest destinations in biodiversity globally, making it an exceptional place for nature photography.
With a wide variety of ecosystems including rainforests, cloud forests , and pristine coastlines, the country offers a unique experience to capture wildlife in its natural environment.
During this photographic trip, you will have the opportunity to photograph emblematic species such as the resplendent quetzal in the high altitude forests and other animals that inhabit the jungles and coasts.
We focus on an ethical approach to wildlife photography, without the use of lures, artificial feeding , or flash mounts.
Our priority is respectful and quiet observation , allowing the animals to behave naturally while we document their essence.
We have local guides who are experts in the fauna and flora of Costa Rica, who will be with you at all times to maximize photographic opportunities, sharing their knowledge and ensuring that each capture is authentic and respectful of the environment.
Species Name | Common Name | Scientific Name | Sighting Chances |
Scarlet Macaw | Ara | macao | Very high |
Great Curassow | Pavón Grande | Crax rubra | High |
Brown Pelican | Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis | Very high | |
Magnificent Frigatebird | Frigate | Magnificens | Very high |
Brown Booby | Brown Bobo | Sula leucogaster | Very high |
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron Bare-necked | Tiger Heron | Tigrisoma mexicanum | High |
Reddish Egret | Reddish Heron | Egretta rufescens | Very Low |
Green Heron | Green | Heron Butorides virescens | High |
Tricolored Heron | Tricolor | Egretta Tricolor | Low |
Little Blue Heron Heron | Small | Blue Egretta caerulea | Very high |
Great Egret | White Heron | Ardea alba | High |
Great Blue Heron | Blue Heron | Ardea herodias | Medium |
White Ibis | Ibis white | Eudocimus albus | Medium |
Purple Gallinule | Purple Redfish | Porphyrio martinicus | Medium |
Osprey | Osprey | Pandion haliaetus | Medium |
White-tailed Kite | White-tailed Black-tailed | Elanus leucurus | Low |
Double-toothed Kite | Bidentate Sparrowhawk | Harpagus bidentatus | Medium |
Common Black-Hawk | Crab-eating Hawk | Buteogallus anthracinus | High |
Crested Caracara | Bearded Caracara Caracara | cheriway | Very high |
Yellow-headed Caracara | Chimachimá | Milvago chimachima | Very high |
Mangrove Swallow | Mangrove Swallow | Tachycineta albilinea | Very high |
Stripe-throated Hermit | Dwarf Hermit Hummingbird | Phaethornis striigularis | Medium |
Red-lored Parrot | Yellow-cheeked Parrot | Amazona autumnalis | High |
Baird’s Trogon | Red-breasted Trogon | Bairdii Low Trogon | |
Slaty-tailed Trogon | Trogon coliplomizo | Trogon massena | Medium |
Ringed Kingfisher | Megaceryle torquata | High | collared kingfisher |
Black-mandibled Toucan Toucan | with a black bill | Ramphastos ambiguus | Very high |
Orange-collared Manakin | Orange-necked Jumper | Manacus aurantiacus | Medium |
Red-capped Manakin | Jumping red head | Ceratopipra mentalis | Low |
Species Name | Common | Name Scientific Name | Chances of Encounter |
Crested Guan | Pava Cojolita | Penelope purpurascens | Low |
Great-headed Chachalaca | Chachalaca Grey-headed | Ortalis cinereiceps | Very high |
King Vulture Vulture | King | Sarcoramphus Papa | Medium |
White Hawk | White Eagle | Pseudastur albicollis | Medium |
Broad-winged Hawk | Eagle Wide Wings | Buteo platypterus | High |
Gray Hawk | Grey Buteo Sparrowhawk | plagiatus | High |
Laughing Falcon | Guaco | Falcon Herpetotheres cachinnans | High |
Long-billed Hermit | Long-billed Hummingbird | Phaethornis longirostris | Low |
Purple-crowned Fairy | Hummingbird Masked Fairy | Heliothryx barroti | Low |
Violet-headed Hummingbird | Blue-headed Hummingbird | Klais guimeti | High |
White-crowned Parrot | Parrot White Crown | Pionus senilis | High |
Squirrel Cuckoo | Cuckoo Squirrel | Piaya cayana | Medium |
Gartered Trogon | Trogon Violet | Trogon caligatus | Medium |
Blue-crowned Motmot | Momoto Corona Blue | Momotus coeruliceps | High |
Fiery-billed Aracari | Orange-billed Toucanet | Pteroglossus frantzii | Very high |
Black-mandibled Toucan | Black Beaked Toucan | Ramphastos ambiguus | Very high |
Pale-billed Woodpecker | Silver Beak | Woodpecker Campephilus guatemalensis | High |
Lineated Woodpecker Woodpecker | Woodpecker | Dryocopus lineatus | High |
Common Tody-Flycatcher | Common Spatula | Todirostrum cinereum | High |
Orange-collared Manakin | Orange-necked | Manacus aurantiacus | Medium |
Tropical Mockingbird | Centzontle Tropical | Mimus gilvus | Very high |
Black-and-white Warbler | Climbing Warbler | Mniotilta varia | High |
Cherrie’s Tanager | Cherrie Tanager | Ramphocelus costaricensis | Very high |
Blue-gray Tanager | Tanager | Thraupis episcopus | Very high |
Silver-throated | Tanager Silver Throat Tanager | Icterocephala High Tanager | |
Golden-hooded Tanager | Tanager Golden Hooded Tanager | Stilpnia larvata | High |
Green Honeycreeper | Green Honey Grower | Chlorophanes spiza | High |
Bay-headed Tanager | Redhead Tanager | Gyrola Low Tanager | |
Yellow-faced Grassquit | Olive Seedbed | Tiaris olivaceus | Very high |
Buff-throated Saltator | Throat Jumper Ochre | Saltator maximus | High |
Rufous-collared Sparrow | Rock Sparrow | Zonotrichia capensis | Very high |
Summer Tanager | Piranga Red Piranga | rubra | Medium |
Flame-colored Tanager | Piranga Striped Back | Piranga bidentata | High |
Montezuma Oropendola | Montezuma’s Oriole | Psarocolius montezuma | Very high |
Species Name | Common | Name Scientific Name | Chances of Encounter |
Black-breasted Wood-Quail | Corcovado Blackbreast | Odontophorus leucolaemus | Low |
Magnificent Hummingbird | Magnificent Hummingbird Eugenes | fulgens | Very high |
Brown Violetear | Brown Hummingbird | Hummingbird delphinae | High |
Green Violetear | Hummingbird Violet Ears | Colibri thalassinus Very | high |
Purple-throated Mountain-gem | Purple-throated Hummingbird | Lampornis calolaemus | Very high |
Magenta-throated Woodstar | Hummingbird Magenta | Philodice bryantae | High |
Volcano Hummingbird | Hummingbird Volcano | Selasphorus flammula | Medium |
Resplendent Quetzal | Mesoamerican Quetzal | Pharomachrus mocinno | Very high |
Emerald Toucanet | Green Toucanet | Aulacorhynchus prasinus | Very high |
Acorn Woodpecker | Carpenter Acorn Tree | Melanerpes formicivorus | Very high |
Sooty Thrush | Blackish Blackbird | Turdus nigrescens | Very high |
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher | Capulinero | Longtail Ptiliogonys caudatus | High |
Flame-throated Warbler | Flaming Throat Warbler | Oreothlypis gutturalis | Medium |
Redstart Necklace | Tealight | Myioborus torquatus | High |
Yellow-thighed Finch | Yellow Thigh Jumper | Atlapetes tibialis | High |
Golden-browed Chlorophonia | Golden-browed Chlorophonia | Chlorophonia callophrys | Medium |
Elegant Euphonia | Eufonia Blue Cap | Chlorophonia elegantissima | Low |
Yellow-throated Euphonia | Euphonia Yellow-throated | Euphonia hirundinacea | High |
Species Name | Common Name | Scientific Name | Sighting Chances |
Scarlet Macaw | Ara | macao | Very high |
Great Curassow | Pavón Grande | Crax rubra | High |
Brown Pelican | Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis | Very high | |
Magnificent Frigatebird | Frigate | Magnificens | Very high |
Brown Booby | Brown Bobo | Sula leucogaster | Very high |
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron Bare-necked | Tiger Heron | Tigrisoma mexicanum | High |
Reddish Egret | Reddish Heron | Egretta rufescens | Very Low |
Green Heron | Green | Heron Butorides virescens | High |
Tricolored Heron | Tricolor | Egretta Tricolor | Low |
Little Blue Heron Heron | Small | Blue Egretta caerulea | Very high |
Great Egret | White Heron | Ardea alba | High |
Great Blue Heron | Blue Heron | Ardea herodias | Medium |
White Ibis | Ibis white | Eudocimus albus | Medium |
Purple Gallinule | Purple Redfish | Porphyrio martinicus | Medium |
Osprey | Osprey | Pandion haliaetus | Medium |
White-tailed Kite | White-tailed Black-tailed | Elanus leucurus | Low |
Double-toothed Kite | Bidentate Sparrowhawk | Harpagus bidentatus | Medium |
Common Black-Hawk | Crab-eating Hawk | Buteogallus anthracinus | High |
Crested Caracara | Bearded Caracara Caracara | cheriway | Very high |
Yellow-headed Caracara | Chimachimá | Milvago chimachima | Very high |
Mangrove Swallow | Mangrove Swallow | Tachycineta albilinea | Very high |
Stripe-throated Hermit | Dwarf Hermit Hummingbird | Phaethornis striigularis | Medium |
Red-lored Parrot | Yellow-cheeked Parrot | Amazona autumnalis | High |
Baird’s Trogon | Red-breasted Trogon | Bairdii Low Trogon | |
Slaty-tailed Trogon | Trogon coliplomizo | Trogon massena | Medium |
Ringed Kingfisher | Megaceryle torquata | High | collared kingfisher |
Black-mandibled Toucan Toucan | with a black bill | Ramphastos ambiguus | Very high |
Orange-collared Manakin | Orange-necked Jumper | Manacus aurantiacus | Medium |
Red-capped Manakin | Jumping red head | Ceratopipra mentalis | Low |
Species Name | Common | Name Scientific Name | Chances of Encounter |
Crested Guan | Pava Cojolita | Penelope purpurascens | Low |
Great-headed Chachalaca | Chachalaca Grey-headed | Ortalis cinereiceps | Very high |
King Vulture Vulture | King | Sarcoramphus Papa | Medium |
White Hawk | White Eagle | Pseudastur albicollis | Medium |
Broad-winged Hawk | Eagle Wide Wings | Buteo platypterus | High |
Gray Hawk | Grey Buteo Sparrowhawk | plagiatus | High |
Laughing Falcon | Guaco | Falcon Herpetotheres cachinnans | High |
Long-billed Hermit | Long-billed Hummingbird | Phaethornis longirostris | Low |
Purple-crowned Fairy | Hummingbird Masked Fairy | Heliothryx barroti | Low |
Violet-headed Hummingbird | Blue-headed Hummingbird | Klais guimeti | High |
White-crowned Parrot | Parrot White Crown | Pionus senilis | High |
Squirrel Cuckoo | Cuckoo Squirrel | Piaya cayana | Medium |
Gartered Trogon | Trogon Violet | Trogon caligatus | Medium |
Blue-crowned Motmot | Momoto Corona Blue | Momotus coeruliceps | High |
Fiery-billed Aracari | Orange-billed Toucanet | Pteroglossus frantzii | Very high |
Black-mandibled Toucan | Black Beaked Toucan | Ramphastos ambiguus | Very high |
Pale-billed Woodpecker | Silver Beak | Woodpecker Campephilus guatemalensis | High |
Lineated Woodpecker Woodpecker | Woodpecker | Dryocopus lineatus | High |
Common Tody-Flycatcher | Common Spatula | Todirostrum cinereum | High |
Orange-collared Manakin | Orange-necked | Manacus aurantiacus | Medium |
Tropical Mockingbird | Centzontle Tropical | Mimus gilvus | Very high |
Black-and-white Warbler | Climbing Warbler | Mniotilta varia | High |
Cherrie’s Tanager | Cherrie Tanager | Ramphocelus costaricensis | Very high |
Blue-gray Tanager | Tanager | Thraupis episcopus | Very high |
Silver-throated | Tanager Silver Throat Tanager | Icterocephala High Tanager | |
Golden-hooded Tanager | Tanager Golden Hooded Tanager | Stilpnia larvata | High |
Green Honeycreeper | Green Honey Grower | Chlorophanes spiza | High |
Bay-headed Tanager | Redhead Tanager | Gyrola Low Tanager | |
Yellow-faced Grassquit | Olive Seedbed | Tiaris olivaceus | Very high |
Buff-throated Saltator | Throat Jumper Ochre | Saltator maximus | High |
Rufous-collared Sparrow | Rock Sparrow | Zonotrichia capensis | Very high |
Summer Tanager | Piranga Red Piranga | rubra | Medium |
Flame-colored Tanager | Piranga Striped Back | Piranga bidentata | High |
Montezuma Oropendola | Montezuma’s Oriole | Psarocolius montezuma | Very high |
Species Name | Common | Name Scientific Name | Chances of Encounter |
Black-breasted Wood-Quail | Corcovado Blackbreast | Odontophorus leucolaemus | Low |
Magnificent Hummingbird | Magnificent Hummingbird Eugenes | fulgens | Very high |
Brown Violetear | Brown Hummingbird | Hummingbird delphinae | High |
Green Violetear | Hummingbird Violet Ears | Colibri thalassinus Very | high |
Purple-throated Mountain-gem | Purple-throated Hummingbird | Lampornis calolaemus | Very high |
Magenta-throated Woodstar | Hummingbird Magenta | Philodice bryantae | High |
Volcano Hummingbird | Hummingbird Volcano | Selasphorus flammula | Medium |
Resplendent Quetzal | Mesoamerican Quetzal | Pharomachrus mocinno | Very high |
Emerald Toucanet | Green Toucanet | Aulacorhynchus prasinus | Very high |
Acorn Woodpecker | Carpenter Acorn Tree | Melanerpes formicivorus | Very high |
Sooty Thrush | Blackish Blackbird | Turdus nigrescens | Very high |
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher | Capulinero | Longtail Ptiliogonys caudatus | High |
Flame-throated Warbler | Flaming Throat Warbler | Oreothlypis gutturalis | Medium |
Redstart Necklace | Tealight | Myioborus torquatus | High |
Yellow-thighed Finch | Yellow Thigh Jumper | Atlapetes tibialis | High |
Golden-browed Chlorophonia | Golden-browed Chlorophonia | Chlorophonia callophrys | Medium |
Elegant Euphonia | Eufonia Blue Cap | Chlorophonia elegantissima | Low |
Yellow-throated Euphonia | Euphonia Yellow-throated | Euphonia hirundinacea | High |
The investment for this photographic trip in a shared double room is $4,950 USD. You will be able to reserve your place with $1500 USD .
Subject to availability at the time of request.
You will have to pay no later than October 15, 2025, otherwise your place will be released and there will be no refund.
You can opt for the following payment scheme:
There are no place reservations without prior deposit.
We have the following payment methods:international transfer via SWIFT, Wester Union and Mercado Pago.
Upon arrival of the participants at the international airport, the transfer to the hotel will be arranged.
During the day, guests will be greeted and taken to the hotel so that they can settle in and rest after their trip.
In the evening, a welcome dinner will be offered at the hotel, where we will share the details of the itinerary and meet the guides and other participants. It will be a time to relax and prepare for the next few days of photographic adventure.
If for any reason you need photographic equipment or clothing, San Jose will be the only place where you will be able to find what you need.
We will also prepare our equipment for the next day, as we will take an early flight to the south of Costa Rica.
We start the week away from the concrete jungle and into true pristine nature. We will take an early private flight with a scenic route that will take us close to Corcovado National Park.
The objective of the day is to get into the environment, increasing the chances of finding wildlife.
This will be a full and intense day that will take us on the first of many hikes, starting at sea level in the heart of the Osa Peninsula, a place listed by NatGeo as “one of the most intensely biodiverse places on the planet”.
First, we will have an aerial panoramic view of the country on a one-hour scenic flight .
Then, we’ll take a fast boat for 1.5 hours to reach the most secluded ranger station in search of wildlife encounters.
We will hike in the morning, break for lunch, and continue with an afternoon hike.
Upon returning, we will take advantage of the private boat to get closer to our next destination.
This 3-hour journey will open opportunities to encounter pelagic marine fauna, such as sea turtles, dolphins and even whales.
On this day, we will have the opportunity to meet the tapir on one of the hikes.
It is also likely to see one of the four species of monkeys in Costa Rica.
Macaws will be the target of the first two days of the week.
Before arriving at the first of the three accommodations, a welcome artisanal dinner awaits us in a private place, away from light pollution, next to the bank of a river.
It will be an official welcome for this journey, planned with the heart.
The day will start early, departing from the hotel to embark on an exploration in mangroves.
We will board our private boats and enjoy breakfast on board, while we take advantage of the morning to spot wildlife from the water.
We will navigate through one of the largest mangrove systems in Central America, where we will have the opportunity to photograph scarlet macaws, monkeys , and a variety of waterfowl.
We can also find American crocodiles and other species that inhabit this ecosystem.
Afterwards, we will take a hike in a protected section of the park, increasing our opportunities to photograph tapir, as well as other native species.
Lunch will be served next to the beach, with a menu of local fish and seafood .
In the afternoon, we will return to the boats to continue exploring the mangroves, using drones to capture unique aerial views of the labyrinth of canals.
As night falls, we will prepare for a night walk dedicated to herpetofauna photography, with a focus on amphibians and reptiles in their natural habitat.
After two intense days, we will start the day early, but with the good news that the afternoon will be free to rest, review the photographs and relax.
We will depart from the hotel at 5:00 AM for an approximately 1.5 hour drive to our next hike. This hike will be more leisurely, exploring a trail in the Tropical Rainforest, in a combination of primary and secondary forest. The hike is flat and easy, allowing us to focus on wildlife photography, looking for species such as peccaries, agouti, coatis and sloths.
After the hike, we will enjoy an early lunch at a local restaurant hidden in the jungle, with a relaxing view.
There will be time to enjoy a refreshing drink before heading back to the hotel for a lazy afternoon.
The afternoon is free to relax, enjoy the hotel facilities or lounge by the pool.
For those interested, an optional vehicle tour of the surrounding area will be offered in search of more photo opportunities, especially scarlet macaws and pelagic birds on the nearby coast.
After a well-deserved rest, we will start the day very early with an optional departure to photograph the sunrise from a high point in the mountains.
Those who decide to participate will leave at 4:00 AM for a journey of about 45 minutes to our viewpoint, which offers a 360-degree panoramic view.
From here, there will be multiple opportunities for long exposure photography at sunrise, with two points close by to position tripods and secure a prime position.
After sunrise, we will return to the hotel to pick up those who preferred to rest and quickly head to one of the largest waterfalls of our expedition. This will be a day where we move from photographing wildlife to focusing on landscapes. During the hike, we will find several interesting spots to capture long exposure photography . . Se recomienda aprovechar este día para la aerial photography with drones.
After the hike, we will enjoy lunch and a tour of a coffee plantation and an afternoon of wildlife viewing.
Afterwards we will have our dinner and then rest.
This day starts early with a drive into the highest mountains in Costa Rica.
We will leave at 5:30 AM for a journey of approximately 2 hours, ascending to an altitude of more than 3,000 meters.
Along the way, we will stop for coffee and a traditional artisanal breakfast.
Our main objective of the day will be to find and photograph the majestic Resplendent Quetzal, considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world.
Local guides will have explored the area the day before to increase our chances of spotting it.
We will spend a couple of hours looking for the “coludo”, as it is known locally, and we will take the opportunity to capture other species of mountain birds in this unique ecosystem.
Hikes will be short due to the altitude, but will concentrate on key areas to maximize photo opportunities.
In addition to the quetzal, we will look for hummingbirds, the green toucanet, the acorn woodpecker, the long-tailed capuchin and the golden-browed chlorophonia, true jewels of the high mountains.
At noon, we will enjoy lunch in a hummingbird garden, where there will be excellent opportunities for bird photography.
After lunch, we will transfer to our last accommodation, where we will have time to rest before leaving in the afternoon to a nearby point to photograph the sunset.
After sunset, conditions permitting, we will stay to practice night star photography , before returning to the hotel for dinner.
Our last full day in the mountains of Costa Rica begins with breakfast at 5:40 AM to reach one of the highest peaks in the area and take advantage of the photographic opportunities offered by the sunrise.
After sunrise, we will return to the hotel for breakfast and to meet the rest of the group.
Next, we’ll set off on one last search for the quetzal or, depending on our success the day before, focus on photographing other highland bird species .
This will be our last chance to capture the endemic fauna of this region.
Lunch will be served at the hotel at 1:00 PM, and the rest of the afternoon will be free for participants to enjoy the hotel facilities, relax, or review and organize their photographs.
In the evening, we will have a farewell dinner at 6:00 PM, where we will share our experiences of the week and toast to the moments lived.
For those who wish to make the most of it until the last moment, there will be an optional night photography session focused on the stars or nocturnal fauna.
This will be the day of farewell and return to the international airport.
The morning will begin with an optional sunrise photography session for those who wish to capture one last image of the Costa Rican landscape.
The departure will be at 4:00 AM to arrive at the photography site and take advantage of the first rays of the sun.
After the photo shoot, we will return to the hotel for breakfast at 7:00 AM.
Subsequently, we will coordinate the departure to the airport depending on the schedules of the participants’ international flights.
There will be only one departure of the group from the hotel to the airport, if you schedule your return flights for that day please do so after 16:00 hrs
If some participants have flights later in the day, recommendations will be offered to pass the time, such as visiting museums in the city or enjoying a meal somewhere nearby.
We can also help coordinate additional transportation if needed.
For those staying in the country, we can drop you off at a convenient location or help you arrange more activities or visits in Costa Rica.
Walks will be carried out that will not have technical difficulty, with the aim of traveling trails for wildlife photography and being able to reach waterfalls which implies several hours of walking in some days.
An acceptable physical condition is needed for this trip.
No, it is a trip suitable for all levels.
No specific photographic level is necessary, but it is highly recommended to understand the exposure triangle, as well as the manual use of your camera, use of a tripod and understand the focus modes of your camera.
Between November and February, Costa Rica is in the dry season, which means a mostly sunny and warm climate. Temperatures vary by region: in coastal and low-lying areas, they range between 25°C and 35°C, while in mountainous areas such as Cerro de la Muerte, mornings and nights can be cooler, reaching 10°C. Although rainfall is unlikely, in tropical areas such as Corcovado, occasional showers may occur.
For photographers, it’s essential to bring sunscreen, lightweight, quick-drying clothing, and waterproof gear covers in case of unexpected rain.
It is important to stay well hydrated due to the heat, and bring cold gear if visiting higher altitude regions.
Also, consider using UV filters or polarizers to improve the quality of images under bright light.
Food is included in this trip.
Before starting the trip, they will be sent a survey to find out if they have allergies and to be able to adapt the food for this.
We will stay in comfortable hotels that will give us early access to the areas we are touring. The rooms will be shared double rooms.
In case you require a private room do it in advance, since it is season and we need to see the reservations in time and also know the costs.
Yes, anyone from any country can participate in the trip
Yes, you can join from anywhere in the world.
According to your arrival time, transportation will be arranged to drop you off at your hotel in San Jose.
For the day this photography trip ends, we highly recommend that your flights depart after 4pm so that you can arrive in time.
If you leave earlier, please contact us to coordinate a private transportation and see the costs of it.
We will advise you on what to take on this Photographic Trip.
As soon as you sign up for this Photographic Trip, we will send you our travel guide and equipment recommendation.
This recommendation refers not only to the clothes, accessories and necessary elements to take with you on the trip, but also to the photographic equipment.
In short, you will not have to worry about anything, as our experts will inform you of everything you need to bring to make the most of this trip.
Travel organized by Feral Frame.
Feral Frame carefully designs each of the routes it offers, adapting at all times to the needs of the traveler.
However, due to the particularities of the country, it is possible that these itineraries may suffer variations in their route and places to visit.
In this sense, the guides/photographers reserve the right to vary the itinerary and/or planned activities depending on weather and environmental conditions, road conditions, etc.
Likewise, the photographer(s) guide(s) reserve the right to interrupt or vary the route of the trip in case of force majeure circumstances, such as illness, accident or theft of themselves or any of the clients who are part of the trip, always trying to ensure that in such a case these circumstances are solved in the shortest possible period of time, in order to resume the trip with the least possible damage to the content of the planned program.
Likewise, Feral Frame reserves the right to substitute the guide/photographer(s) of the trip in case of force majeure circumstances, such as illness, accident, or hospitalization of the same or of first or second degree relatives, among others.
In these cases, the trip will be carried out with alternative guides/photographers without the trip being affected.
We reserve the right to change workshop dates, itinerary or accommodations as required by weather conditions, political situations and other factors beyond our responsibility, without consulting the attendees.
Such decisions will be made in the best interest of all participants and their safety.
Should it be necessary to postpone a trip or change the itinerary due to bad weather, road conditions, transportation delays, government intervention, illness, volcanic eruption or other contingency, the cost of delays or changes is not included.
Feral Frame and its members will confirm the trip giving the green light for the purchase of the flights to the trip.
This trip confirmation is done when the minimum number of people considered for each trip is reached, in case of not having it at a certain date, the trip will be canceled and there will be no responsibility for the expenses generated prior to the trip (flights, insurance, purchase of equipment, clothing, etc…).
We reserve the right to cancel the workshop or tour prior to departure for any reason, including logistical problems such as strikes, wars, acts, volcanic eruptions or any other circumstance that may interfere with the objective of the trip.
All payments made by participants and received for the photographic trip will be reimbursed immediately and this reimbursement will be the limit of our responsibility.
We are not responsible for any expenses incurred by participants, including non-refundable or penalty airline tickets, special clothing, visa or passport fees, or other expenses related to the trip.
In case of cancellation for any reason, 15% of the total amount of the trip will be retained, as it is in season with this all places and the internal flight are insured, which is non-refundable.
Therefore, no refund will be made under any circumstances.
Payment can be made through transfer in Mexico with the following data:
BBVA Bancomer Andrés Valle Rodríguez
CLABE 012 650 01520356554 2
ACCOUNT 152 035 6554
SWIFT International Transfer
CLABE 012 650 01520356554 2
We assume no liability for injury, loss or damage to persons or property in connection with any service resulting directly from: detention, inconvenience, delays, expenses arising from quarantine, strikes, theft, robbery, pilferage, failure of any means of transportation to arrive or depart as scheduled, civil disturbances, terrorism, governmental restrictions or regulations, discrepancies or changes in transit or hotel services over which we have no control. Reasonable changes to the itinerary may be made when deemed advisable for the comfort and welfare of the participants. In the event that a medical problem arises during the expedition, resulting in evacuation costs, use of aircraft or repatriation, the responsibility for payment of these costs rests solely with the passenger. We recommend that passengers ensure that such eventualities are covered by travel insurance. If not covered by travel insurance, the responsibility remains with the passenger and we specifically disclaim any liability.
Feral Frame